Read our CEO’s guideline on how to become a skills-driven organization.
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The People-first SkillsAI

Real life SkillsAI usecases for your
skills-driven organization.

As seen in

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As seen in
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Cobrainer makes skills work in the real world: 

Cobrainer’s SkillsAI truly understands the fine details of your unique industry, your company, and each individual employee. It brings the right skills to where they are needed most and it helps you build the critical missing skills with confidence.

This means you have the tool to steer your workforce transformation: You know the skills your workforce has, you develop the skills you’ll need tomorrow, and you fill the gaps with the best talent that you already have today.

Talk to Hanns

Skills-driven Decision Making — from Boardrooms to Factory Floors.

See all SkillsHub Usecases

Build skill and job architectures. An international engineering company is mastering their org transformation, becoming a skills-based organization with an award-winning job and skill architecture for targeted up- and reskilling.

Build skill and job architectures
Coming soon
Demand-driven up-skilling
man logo

Activate internal recruiting. MAN saved € 500.000 in external recruiting costs within the first 6 months of implementing Cobrainer by massively boosting their internal placements for open positions.

Demand-driven up-skilling. A software company is tracking real-time skill demand of its projects and creating dedicated learning recommendations for every project team member - filling skill gaps and driving development.pment.

Demand-driven up-skilling
Coming soon

Build skill and job architectures. An international engineering company is mastering their org transformation, becoming a skills-based organization with an award-winning job and skill architecture for targeted up- and reskilling.

Build skill and job architectures
Coming soon
Demand-driven up-skilling
man logo

Activate internal recruiting. MAN saved € 500.000 in external recruiting costs within the first 6 months of implementing Cobrainer by massively boosting their internal placements for open positions.

Demand-driven up-skilling. A software company is tracking real-time skill demand of its projects and creating dedicated learning recommendations for every project team member - filling skill gaps and driving development.

Demand-driven up-skilling
Coming soon

Two category-leading SkillsAI Solutions

See all SkillsHub Usecases
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bosch logo
Job title: “Automotive Flexray and CAN-Bus engineering Specialist”
Job title: “Job Profile: Automotive FlexRay and CAN-Bus Engineering Specialist

Key Responsibilities:

- Designing and developing FlexRay and CAN-Bus communication systems for automotive electronic control units (ECUs).
- Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define system requirements and specifications.
- Conducting system-level analysis, including network timing analysis, fault tolerance analysis, and performance optimization.
- Implementing and integrating FlexRay and CAN-Bus communication protocols into automotive ECUs.
- Troubleshooting and resolving issues related to FlexRay and CAN-Bus communication systems.
...Skills: CAN bus, MOST bus, Flexray ...

SkillsHub by Role

Talk to Hanns

The CHRO tracks workforce transformation in real time, skill by skill.


The Recruiter sees the best internal candidates for every vacancy in milliseconds.

hiring manager

The Hiring Manager gets industry specific role and skill data for performance management.


Everyone has a clear picture of their skills and full transparency for their internal career and personal development.


The CHRO tracks workforce transformation in real time, skill by skill.

For CHROs and C-Level

The Recruiter sees the best internal candidates for every vacancy in miliseconds.

For CHROs and C-Level
hiring manager

The Hiring Manager gets industry specific role and skill data for performance management.

For CHROs and C-Level

Everyone has a clear picture of their skills and full transparency for their internal career and personal development

For CHROs and C-Level

Three Features we are most proud of.

More about our technology

Cobrainer knows and detects highly industry-specific skills. With 170.000 highly industry-specific skills Cobrainer is building the worlds largest skill data graph. This is at the core of our SkillsAI detection engine.

Talk to Hanns

Cobrainer builds out-of-the-box skill & job architectures. Our skill and job architecture management brings together leading, industry-specific data from the outside world with the unique language and structure found within our customers.

Talk to Hanns

Cobrainer generates highly personalized career and learning recommendations. Employees can create their unique skill profile from various types of input and receive personalized internal career and learning advice in milliseconds.

Talk to Hanns

The future of HR is beautifully designed.

More about our design

Web & Native Apps. SkillsHub is available on desktops and smartphones.

web and native apps

Built for Everyone. Our tools are designed for white and blue collar workers of all age groups and accessible to those with visual impairments.

built for everyone

Data-driven Interface. Immediate access to real-world workforce insights.

data driven interface

We guide you in becoming a skills-driven Organization.

Building a skills-driven organization creates massive value and sets you up for the future, but it is a challenging journey that requires technical, organizational, and cultural change. Cobrainer guides you on a proven path.

figure 1
+0.5% EBIT
Job and skill architecture
Organizations at this stage create a centralized skill and job architecture in order to achieve actionable  job roles and skill requirements which enable efficient performance and recruiting processes.
figure 2
+0.75% EBIT
Skills harmonization, profiling, governance
Skills data is managed in a centralized governance layer. All existing skills-related data, such as courses, job requisitions, and most importantly, employee profiles, are harmonized to align with a consistent and up-to-date skills data set.
figure 3
+3% EBIT
Skills-driven talent process
Modern talent processes along the entire employee life-cycle are implemented using skills data at their core: Internal and external recruiting, learning, qualification, re-skilling, career pathing, and performance management are implemented on a unified skills data layer.
figure 4
+6% EBIT
Skills-driven planning and transformation
Real-time internal and external skills data and skills-related business intelligence is used as a central tool in organizational design, transformation, and strategic workforce planning.
figure 5
+10% EBIT
Skills-driven organization
The organization fully operates as a skills-driven entity with buy-in from people on all levels. Skills are the primary factor in all talent management and business decisions. Organizational processes at all levels, from hiring to project management, are driven by a comprehensive understanding and utilization of skills.
Job and skill
+0.5% EBIT
Skills harmonization,
profiling, governance
+0.75% EBIT
Skills-driven talent
+3% EBIT
Skills-driven planning
and transformation
+6% EBIT
+10% EBIT
Job and skill architecture

Organizations at this stage create a centralized skill and job architecture in order to achieve actionable  job roles and skill requirements which enable efficient performance and recruiting processes.

Skills harmonization, profiling, governance

Skills data is managed in a centralized governance layer. All existing skills-related data, such as courses, job requisitions, and most importantly, employee profiles, are harmonized to align with a consistent and up-to-date skills data set.

Skills-driven talent processes

Modern talent processes along the entire employee life-cycle are implemented using skills data at their core: Internal and external recruiting, learning, qualification, re-skilling, career pathing, and performance management are implemented on a unified skills data layer.

Skills-driven planning and transformation

Real-time internal and external skills data and skills-related business intelligence is used as a central tool in organizational design, transformation, and strategic workforce planning.

Skills-driven organization

The organization fully operates as a skills-driven entity with buy-in from people on all levels. Skills are the primary factor in all talent management and business decisions. Organizational processes at all levels, from hiring to project management, are driven by a comprehensive understanding and utilization of skills.

Find out at which stage your skills-
driven organization is:

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Full-Suite Skills Hub

Activating your company’s skills creates massive value.
Talk to Hanns now.

17 000€ saved for each internally staffed position.
400% increase in internal placements after one year.
90% cost reduction compared to regular job architecture project.
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/ Talk to Hanns
Have a chat with Hanns, our CEO, about becoming a truly skills-driven organization.
As cofounder and CEO, I’ve been working on SkillsAI use cases for over 10 years, with customers from various industries. I witnessed first-hand that building a skills-driven organization creates massive value and that it’s a journey involving technical, organizational, and cultural change. Our team maps out that journey and guides your steps as a partner.
That’s why at Cobrainer, you don’t just “book a demo” – you schedule a conversation. We are not there to sell, but to listen. We want to find out your needs and see how Cobrainer solves them in the real world.
Looking forward to our
chat! 🧠⚡️
Hanns-Bertin Aderhold
Co-founder and CEO